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What Is the Dictionary Definition of Eclecticism

« Eclecticism. » Merriam-Webster.com dictionary, Merriam-Webster, www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/eclecticism. Accessed January 10, 2022. Subscribe to the largest dictionary in the United States and get thousands of additional definitions and advanced search – ad-free! Their eclecticism is broader and more complicated than that of the young people of the 90s or 2000s, even more omnivorous, making it more difficult for business leaders to market a unified youth culture, or for so-called cool hunters who act accordingly. Britannica.com: Encyclopedia article on eclecticism In sculpture and painting, attempts have been made to combine the results already obtained, mostly in a superficial eclecticism. These sample sentences are automatically selected from various online information sources to reflect the current use of the word « eclecticism. » The opinions expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us your feedback. Our review Michael Caines asks if eclecticism leads to adventure. Meanwhile, Miriam Finch continues her studies with Eugene with her subtle eclecticism. Several hundred years earlier, Galen had developed a method that perhaps deserves the title of pure eclecticism.

They have failed, like all the just-middles of the world, and they are mocked for their eclecticism. borrowed from the Greek eclektikós « to choose, to choose what seems best », from eklektós « chosen, select » (verbal adjective of eklegin « to select, select », from ek- ec- + légein « collect, collect, count, say ») + -ikos -ic entry 1 – more to Legend He also posted the videos of advice on YouTube, where his eclectic tastes suggest the exact opposite of a narrow-minded fanatic. Show your appreciation with 25 other ways to say « thank you. » Eclectic comes from a Greek verb meaning « to choose, » and was originally applied to ancient philosophers who did not engage in a single system of philosophy; Instead, these philosophers chose the teachings they loved from each school of thought. Later, the use of the word spread to other selective natures. « Difficult through, the central plate is thick of books/miscellaneous, but the true eclectic mind/knows how to regroup, and collects from each/your frequent wisdom… In this 19th-century example from a poem by Arthur Joseph Munby, for example, the word is applied to literature lovers who eliminate selective works from libraries. « Epidemic » vs. « Pandemic » vs. « Endemic »: What do these terms mean? The most surprisingly fortuitous words of the day, I think it`s much more natural and versatile than many movies. But nowadays, Starbucks offers an eclectic mix of music with a very strong dose of jazz. On the other hand, and it`s good to think about it to capture his personality, Grme was far from eclectic. What is the difference between « that » and « being »? The gourmets of the Eclectic Club stopped drinking champagne for a while, and the grunts gave the committee and the secretary a break.

Although they represent homeopathic and eclectic schools, the regulars are largely in the majority. Why do « left » and « right » mean liberal and conservative? borrowed from the Greek eclektikós « each of a group of philosophers who chose beliefs in a variety of schools of thought », »name derived from the eclectic entry of eklektikó 1 Forty-eight works by 37 artists, including 18 women, are exhibited, and the selection is eclectic. Morris Perlmutter`s salon represented an eclectic taste, and the fine arts had been generously patronized in their decoration. But for Christian philosophers, it was not only the negative influence of skepticism that led them to eclecticism. They also testify to a constant in his multifaceted artistic career: his long-standing relationship and his work with the ICA. « Forty-year-old » or « Octogenarian »: What is the name of your decade? Hinduism: With one of the largest numbers of followers (about 650 million), Hinduism is an eclectic religion. .


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