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Oracle Developer License Agreement

Oracle is an independent contractor and we agree that there is no partnership, joint venture or agency relationship between us. We are each responsible for paying our own employees, including employment-related taxes and insurance. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as limiting the right of either party to independently develop or distribute software that is functionally similar to the other party`s products, as long as no proprietary information of the other party is contained in such software. Automatic program installation and/or update processes, if any, may transfer a limited amount of data about these processes to Oracle or its service provider to help Oracle understand and optimize them. Oracle does not link data to personal data. For more information, see Oracle`s Privacy Policy at www.oracle.com/privacy. We grant you a perpetual (except as terminated in this Agreement), non-exclusive, non-transferable, and limited license to (a) use the Programs internally solely for the purpose of developing, testing, prototyping, and demonstrating your applications and running the Programs for your own internal business operations; and (b) modify the Programs and use such internally modified Programs solely for the purpose of your own internal business operations. All rights not expressly granted above are reserved. For the avoidance of doubt, you may not distribute any part of the programs. If you wish to use the Programs for purposes other than those expressly permitted in this Agreement, you must purchase a valid license that permits such use.

We may review your use of the Programs. Check out our downloadable guide to find useful Oracle links to find the table URL. Most developers are familiar with Oracle`s license under its Oracle Technology Network (OTN) – a free license to develop, test, prototype, and demonstrate new applications. But has Oracle set a trap by suggesting that full-use licenses are needed to market and sell the app, even if it doesn`t include Oracle code? At Oracle, there are buried formulations that are too easy to overlook. One of the terms is as follows: « If you wish to use the Programs or your Application for any purpose other than as expressly permitted in this Agreement, you must obtain a valid license for the Programs from Oracle or an Oracle reseller under a separate agreement authorizing such use. At first glance, this seems undisputed – if you go beyond the OTN license, you need to get a full user license. Note, however, that the usage restriction applies not only to programs, but also to your application. It is said that amortization of otn licensing is a restriction on the further use of your application, such as.B. marketing.

In short, in scenarios where the primary and secondary nodes share a SAN, with the secondary node acting as a failover, only the primary node should be licensed. This is true as long as failover to the secondary instance takes less than 10 days per year, including all tests. In addition to this Agreement, use of the included Java Enterprise Edition Javadocs is subject to the additional terms and conditions under download.oracle.com/otndocs/jcp/java_ee-7-fr-spec/license.html, download.oracle.com/otndocs/jcp/javaee-6.0-fr-oth-JSpec/javaee-6.0-fr-oth-JSpec-license.html, and download.oracle.com/otndocs/jcp/javaee-5.0-fr-spec-oth-JSpec/javaee-5.0-fr-spec-oth-JSpec-license.html. In general, we recommend that you assume that you need a full license, and then check if your scenario falls under failover and if the 10-day rule applies. The following OTN License Terms supersede all Shrinkwrap licenses on OTN Technology Track software CDs and previous OTN license terms (including the Oracle Program License as modified by the OTN Program Usage Certificate). It`s not uncommon for small and medium-sized businesses to legally install cloud control for free on a replacement server near them. As mentioned earlier, a simple no-frills installation is included in every supported license. Ownership and Restrictions We reserve all ownership and intellectual property rights in the Programs. You may make a sufficient number of copies of the Programs for licensed use and one copy of the Programs for backup purposes. Some confusion still exists because the Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM) database control and grid control are provided free of charge. But they need the paid packages to really add value, and these need licenses to cover the monitored apps. « The basic installation of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c includes several free features when you purchase an Oracle software license or support agreement. » All rights not expressly granted above are reserved.

If you wish to use the Programs for purposes other than those permitted in this Agreement, including, but not limited to, distributing the Programs or using the Programs for internal commercial purposes (other than developing, testing, prototyping, and demonstrating your applications) or for commercial production purposes, you must obtain a valid license that allows such use. Oracle may review your use of the Programs. Program documentation, if available, can be viewed online at docs.oracle.com/en/. Named User Plus licenses decrease because PROCESSOR license metrics are always easier to manage and make more sense when it`s difficult to measure users. The Programs may contain source code that, except as expressly permitted in this Agreement, for other purposes (e.g. B under an open source license), is provided for reference purposes only under the terms of this Agreement and cannot be modified. You agree to: (a) defend and indemnify us against all claims and damages caused by your distribution of the Programs and Program Documentation in violation of this Agreement and/or by failing to include the required contractual provisions in your End User Agreement as set forth above; (b) retain signed End User Agreements and records of End User Information, including the name, address, date of distribution and identity of the Distributed Programs; (c) allow us to view your contracts and end-user records upon request; and (d) enforce the terms of your End User Agreements to provide timely redress for a breach against end User and to notify us of any breach of the Terms. A number of products have a minimum number of licenses that must be purchased, a fairly standard software practice in the industry. However, there is additional complexity with Oracle with some metrics such as Named User Plus. The mistake that many people make is the assumption that the number of Named User Plus licenses is directly related to the total number of users of the system used, unfortunately this is not always the case.

For Oracle Database Enterprise Edition, there are at least 25 licensed Plus named users per processor. So even with NUPS, you still need to understand two things; What is a licensed processor and how many do you have? This represents additional work and understanding on their part. From a compliance perspective, you need to have the largest number of users or the minimum license. Some developers are familiar with the Oracle Technology network, where licenses can be downloaded. While OTN offers a limited license, this too is often misunderstood. .


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